Mr. Peter Allen, favorite class you took at CYA?
I came to CYA to study archaeology (my college, Middlebury, had none), but I was an anthropology major at the time and took Anne Fuller's anthropology course. That turned out to be my favorite and changed my life forever (see #2 below). An archaeology course I took was the runner up favorite.
Mrs. Phyl dubbed it the 'all-star' course as it was team taught (consecutively, not simultaneously) by such luminaries as Nicholas Yalouris, Alan Boegehold, and others.
How did your study abroad experience with CYA contribute to your personal, academics, and professional development?
CYA changed my life. After graduating from college, I went on to graduate school where I did research in Greece for my doctoral dissertation and have been researching and writing and teaching about Greece ever since. I serve on the CYA board and the board of Anatolia College/American College of Greece and thus travel to Greece at least twice a year for board meetings. I have served on the board of the Modern Greek Studies Association and been an officer of same.
What is your favorite memory of Athens?
My favorite memories of Athens were getting out of it to visit islands and other parts of Greece. Perhaps the most impressive trip I ever took was seven years after CYA when I spent ten days at the holy precinct of
Mt. Athos.