Performing (in) Athens: Exploring the City through Theatre and Performance
Athens is considered one of the most vibrant theatre scenes in Europe. We will focus on current practices in theatre and performance mainly in Greece, but also in Europe and the United States. We will undertake a critical, historical and creative overview of theatre and performance making in periods of crisis, in Europe and the United States, and examine how contemporary Greek artists address issues such as: theatre and society, the human body/the body politic, and the stage and the city. We will also perform a slight backtrack into the ancient past and the beginnings of theatre in its birthplace.
“Exploring the City through Theatre and Performance” will include visits to different theatres and other performance spaces: a theatre in a train, a 19th century proscenium theatre, underground performance spaces, together with backstage tours and talks with artists.
“Exploring the City through Theatre and Performance” course is for students in the Arts and Humanities and anyone interested in theatre and performance.