Throwback Story 2011: Love letter to Greece!
Throwback to the CYA experience of alum ’11 Danni Schneider, via her love letter addressed to Greece and the beautiful photos she took while studying at CYA.
Dear Greece,
You are simply beautiful. I could stare at you for hours, and I often do. Your lush orange-laden trees, light-lined alleyways, and beautifully aged ruins make me swoon. The people within you are so warm, and your cultural heartbeat pounds with the distinct sound of love. Your sun is bright and comforting and always leaves me satisfied. I am fascinated with your nooks, and I explore every day as though I will find a million new things every moment. If I could take a photograph every time I blink, I would have albums and albums of intriguing images, captured through an eager lens.
I am lucky to have shared my presence with yours, though I am not sure I will every truly know you. You are a complex being. You have so many mysteries, both in your past and in your present. I do not understand you, but I love you.
But as all good things do, our relationship must come to an end. In just two short days, we will be pulled apart by the forces of time (and the need to graduate from college). I will think of you often, and delight in your memory every time I eat baklava, read Plato, worship in the sun, or drink raki. So, my love, I move onwards, forever with you in my heart.
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