Students Enjoy a Syrian Inspired Dinner Hosted by their Professor!
It was a great experience having dinner at Professor Gandolfo’s home. He and his family were extremely welcoming. It was fun to see him in a different setting and get book recommendations from his personal bookshelves. I was also very nice meeting Feras and Jihad, they made an amazing meal. I don’t remember ever having a Syrian meal before, but this one was amazing. I definitely went back for seconds. Abby Ferguson, CYA SP ’18, University of Notre Dame

Introducing Syrian cuisine
Having dinner at Professor Gandolfo’s home was a wonderful opportunity to gain a little insight into his family, personal experiences, and cultural background. We celebrated the recent birth of his grandson, heard anecdotes about his travels, and discussed our favorite literary icons. I feel fortunate to have had the chance to meet his lovely Greek wife and experience the beautiful views of the sunset from the Gandolfo’s Athenian balcony. Though Feras and Jihad weren’t able to stay long, it was great to meet refugees who have found opportunities to rebuild their lives in Greece. I had tried Syrian food before but Feras and Jihad’s meal was a culinary masterpiece!

Our wonderful Syrian chefs, Feras and Jihad
Natalia Sanchez-Nigolian, CYA SP ’18, University of Pennsylvania
Everyone had a really good time at professor Gandolfo’s house. It was really cool to see his house and meet his wife.  I had only had Syrian food once before and this meal by far surpassed the last meal I had. For sure one of the best dinners, I’ve had in Greece! Jayme Hughes,  CYA SP ’18, University of Southern California