Modern Greek Language and Culture in the Home
As a student at CYA, receiving a class invitation to dine at your professor’s house is not something out of the ordinary. Modern Greek Language and Culture instructors, Marinetta Papahimona and Aggeliki Anagnostopoulou continued this CYA tradition by opening up their homes to their Spring Semester students giving them the opportunity to enjoy the relaxed authentic atmosphere of Greek hospitality.
Take a look at these photos from Dinner at Prof. Anagnostopoulou’s, taken by her students!
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Spring ’18 Student Sharlotte Lang shares her experience of having dinner at Professor Papahimona’s: This past Monday, the two Modern Greek classes met up to take a bus to our teacher Marinetta’s home. We laughed and looked out the window on our way to her house in Glyfada. When we arrived, we were struck by the adorable cottage covered with vines, so tiny compared to the surrounding apartment buildings.
Marineta informed us that her father had built the house, and walking in through the door felt like going back to the golden ages of Athens. We enjoyed tasty homemade rice dishes, meats, and warm potatoes — all handmade by Marineta and her family.
Her cat even enjoyed the food a little too much and a student had to protect the leftovers. We loved sharing poetry, meeting her beautiful and kind family, and listening to Marineta tell us stories about her upbringing and ancestry. It was one of the most magical nights I have had during my education at CYA and Marineta has made a huge impact on my time here. I will never forget her making us act out the dialogues with our hands in class, or her bringing us outside with a flash post-dinner to search for her turtles! – Charlotte Lang CYA Spring ’18 – Brandeis University