In recognition of CYA Student Ambassadors who go above and beyond in their volunteer roles, A travel voucher is awarded to the most active Ambassador each semester to continue to support student opportunities to travel and continue their cross-cultural journeys.
We are extremely excited to announce the winner of the fall 2017 semester’s travel voucher prize:
Kiki Lewis (CYA Spring ’17)
at Pacific Lutheran University!
Kiki truly went above and beyond in her Ambassador activities this semester, reaching out to her school’s study abroad office to represent CYA at study abroad fairs, creating a
“Greece Through A Student’s Eyes” video for our social media, she also met with various faculty, staff, prospective and accepted students to talk about CYA, and more. [ Main image Kiki Lewis at PLU Study Abroad Fair]
We are also pleased to announce that Noa Gelb (Spring ’17, U Michigan) and Reeta Bandyopadhyay (Summer ’17, Rhodes College) were runners-up and also very active Ambassadors, representing us at study abroad fairs, writing articles about CYA for publications, and doing presentations at informational sessions about study abroad in Greece.

Noa Gelb
We want to extend our deepest gratitude to
ALL our Ambassadors for the energy and hard work each has shown in bringing their CYA story back to their home campus. The team has created media, made presentations written reviews, talked to so many different people, and sent us some great photos of their activities. We can’t wait to see more in the spring – when we will be giving away another semester travel voucher award!