Panagiota Maragou
PhD (U of Patras)
Environmental Studies (ENVR)
Panagiota Maragou is a biologist (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) with a PhD from the University of Patras. Her dissertation discussed the comparative ecology of two endemic lizard species of the Peloponnese. Her main areas of interest lie within the conservation of Greek biodiversity; from the survey and monitoring of species, esp.
reptiles, to impact assessment and the management of wildlife. Since 1997 she has been working at the World Wide Fund for Nature – Greece (WWF Greece) managing conservation projects, developing position papers, analyzing the information required to carry out advocacy work and organizing the dissemination of the conservation knowledge produced by WWF, other NGOs and the academia. She is the co-editor of the Greek Red Data Book of Threatened Fauna and the author of several peer reviewed scientific papers and other publications on the herpetofauna of Greece and general conservation issues.