Antonios Giannopoulos
PhD MBA (Athens U of Economics & Business)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Sociology (SOC)
Antonios Giannopoulos holds a PhD in Marketing & Communication (research supported by the Greek Tourism Confederation) and an MBA from Athens University of Economics and Business.
He has lectured on tourism marketing, sustainable development, destination management, travel and transport, services marketing and research methods. He has published in highly ranked academic journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management etc. Antonios Giannopoulos has also presented works and scientific publications on the travel ecosystem, value co-creation, destination branding, market orientation and internal marketing, combined with invited speeches on hospitality, tourism and cultural diplomacy. He is speaking Greek, English, French, Italian, also learning Chinese and Turkish.
He has served as marketing and communication manager at Corallia with responsibilities pertaining to innovation cluster services, youth entrepreneurship and start-up initiatives. Mr. Giannopoulos is also founder and editor-in-chief of “the voyager voice”. He has also provided consulting services in the field of destination management and tourism satellite account and collaborated with the European Marketing Academy. Also served as an auditor and registered expert for EU programmes and organisations at national and European level. As an official representative in the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, he participated in special workgroups in the frame of the European Research Area.
He is currently Assistant Professor in International Tourism and Hospitality Management, at Deree-The American College of Greece, Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Tourism Economics & Management, University of the Aegean and Adjunct Faculty Member at the Hellenic Open University. He had also served as the Academic Director of the Hotel and Tourism Management Department of BCA and as an Adjunct Lecturer at Athens University of Economics and Business.
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