Generation Study Abroad
We are excited to announce that CYA has recently joined the Generation Study Abroad initiative. The initiative, launched by the Institute of International Education (IIE), has the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of a decade—a very worthy mission! CYA has pledged to increase enrollment by strengthening partnerships and seeking synergies with educational institutions in the U.S. and overseas.
Among our own goals to further the Generation Study Abroad initiative are:
Increasing fundraising efforts to enrich our scholarship program
Increasing direct marketing and alumni participation through the Alumni Ambassador program
Seeking partnerships with U.S.-based and overseas institutions for semester-long and short-term studies, including customized programs
Supporting faculty in researching, presenting, and promoting the ethical responsibilities of student participation in service learning and volunteerism programs
Featuring a series of articles by alumni (via the OWL newsletter and social media platforms) on the importance and benefits of studying abroad
Please email info@cyathens.org if you would like to learn more about our pledge or want to help us achieve our goal and further the initiative. We are proud to be a part of Generation Study Abroad and grateful to all of you readers for the role you play in CYA’s and the initiative’s success!