Faculty-Led Groups Increasing
As many of you know, in addition to our own summer and semester programs, CYA offers customized program support for short-term, semester-long, and faculty-led programs from various US and Canadian universities and colleges. By providing housing and teaching facilities, arranging study-travel, or incorporating CYA academics, CYA staff help program leaders put together a schedule that maximizes learning by optimizing the use of resources and time in Greece.
Last year, CYA hosted about 200 students through customized programs for U.S.- and Canada-based institutions. This year, through new relationships with schools and faculty members, even more students will come to Greece on customized programs organized by CYA.
We’ve also dedicated more marketing resources toward Community Colleges to increase opportunities for students from an even broader range of backgrounds to study abroad. This April, our representative Emily Arbut attended the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) conference to promote CYA’s customized programs. In an interview with Inside Higher Ed during the conference, Emily said, “I’ve seen a greater need in community colleges [for study abroad] in order to be competitive in gaining and retaining students. . . . Any student of any education background should have this experience. I know from my own study abroad experience that it opened my eyes and made me more aware.” See the full article at this link!