CYA Spring ’18 Field Trip to the Peloponnese
On Tuesday, February 27, CYA students set off on a 5-day field trip to the Peloponnese. Students followed on-site classes according to their courses and specialist study areas led by Professors John Karavas, Steve Diamant, Robert Pitt, Hüseyin Öztürk, Angelos Papadopoulos, as well as additional educational tours provided by professor Romolo Gandolfo, Maria Vidali, and Costas Papacostantinou.
The carefully designed program journeyed students through the Bronze Age, Classical Antiquity, and Late Antiquity in the Middle Ages. They witnessed the influence and effects of the Byzantine Empire, Frankish, Venetian and Ottoman Rule, and learned about the key figures in the Greek War of Independence and the birth of Modern Greece flowing into Contemporary Greece, its architecture, urban design, and its environmental and sustainability issues.
Take to a look at the full photo album of the Sp ’18 Peloponnese trip.
Follow this link for more highlights on the trip