The new CYA e-post
CYA has a new electronic communication medium, the e-post. While not replacing The Owl, our beloved alumni newsletter, each e-post edition will come out several times a year short notices that highlight new developments, events and things of interest to the CYA community.
Greece is going through some rough economic times, currently plowing through legislation on a series of reforms that would bring her to the road of recovery with the aid of its European and International lenders.
Despite the heavy climate of political and economic uncertainties here in Greece, morale at CYA is high, and so is student participation. This summer we had over 100 students coming through our doors on various summer programs, and we are now preparing for the arrival of more than 140 students in the fall. CYA has weathered many difficult situations, including two military coups, as several of you may remember well. Mere financial instability will not daunt CYA, nor will it keep our students from experiencing the best semester of their lives.