CYA / DIKEMES Public Lecture on the Development of Elliniko
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a lecture by Prof. Spiros N. Pollalis (Harvard University) on “The Public as Stakeholder in the Development of Elliniko”, on Tuesday 28 November at 7.00 p.m. at the CYA / DIKEMES Auditorium (5 Plateia Stadiou, 2nd fl., Kallimarmaro).
A reception will follow.
Prof.Pollalis approaches the development of the former Elliniko airport focusing on the short term and long term benefits and potential harm to the taxpayers and the citizens of Athens.
The speaker will examine what the objectives of this project should have been, what they finally were, how they were communicated, and how successfully they have been met.
Read more about the event, and join the facebook event here.